When and How Do You Fertilize Your Lawn?

Want to turn your lawn into the best on the block? A proper lawn maintenance plan is key to being the envy of the neighborhood. In addition to aerating your lawn, controlling the weeds and getting rid of pesky insects, it is very important to know the proper techniques for fertilizing your lawn.

If you want a living thing to grow and fulfill its potential, you feed it well. With proper fertilization, your lawn will be healthier and better able to combat difficult weather conditions. But when is the best time to feed your grass, plants and trees? What is the best course of action?

The thought of fertilizer is enough to turn off some people, and its chemicals and terminology are intimidating. But creating a plan for your lawn care is the best way to reach your goals and give your home its best curb appeal.

When to Fertilize Your Lawn

Knowing the best time to fertilize your lawn is dependent upon how often you intend to do it. Though some homeowners fertilize only once or twice a year in the autumn, usually around Labor Day or in mid-October when lawns take in the most nutrients, some experts advise a more regular schedule.

Feeding your lawn four times a year will make it healthier and give it more beauty. When applying, follow all the instructions upon your fertilizer or contact a lawn care specialist at LawnCare.net for professional, personal attention from someone who will understand your lawn’s specific needs, based upon where you live.

Early Spring Feeding

As the growing season begins, your lawn is hungry and deserves its best start. Applying early spring fertilizer once between February and April will help your grass kickstart the season.

Late Spring Feeding

As with people and animals, grass converts food into energy, which it spends throughout growing season. For it to stay nourished, care for your lawn with a second fertilizer treatment six to eight weeks after the initial feeding. This second treatment would be between April and June.

Summer Feeding

Summer conditions can be the worst on your lawn, for heat, drought and insects are the biggest threats at this time. Additionally, you’re using your lawn more in these months. Keep it strong with summer lawn fertilizer, applied sometime between June and August.

Fall Feeding

Before winter hits, treat your lawn with fertilizer to give it nutrients to survive the cold, sometime before November. Doing this will strengthen the roots, providing it with more nitrogen for the spring.

How to Apply Fertilizer

Two kinds of fertilizer are commonly applied during lawn maintenance: either a granular or liquid application.

Liquid fertilizer dilutes in water and is sprayed on lawn using an applicator. Liquid fertilizer works fast, and its results are visible in a few weeks. Liquid fertilizers can require more applications, and it can carry risks of excessive leaching through the top soil.

Granular fertilizers have a time-released formula. They are usually spread with a rotary spreader. Though it takes longer to affect the lawn, granular fertilizer can be applied less often.

Fertilizer Timing Tips

The best time to fertilize your lawn is in the morning, when the lawn is wet from morning dew and at a cooler temperature. If the day is unreasonably hot or a heavy rain is expected, do not treat your lawn on that day. Rain will wash away the nutrients.

With granular treatment, you can mow your lawn anytime. If using liquid fertilizer, wait a day or two.

To prevent over-fertilizing your lawn, contact an expert through LawnCare.net. They can determine the best lawn care plan for your region and your goals. We partner with providers near you to ensure you get top quality services and the most knowledgeable, experienced care in your community.

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