TruGreen Spotsylvania, VA

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About Your Spotsylvania, Virginia TruGreen

In Spotsylvania, VA, Trugreen is our featured partner. Spotsylvania homeowners can depend on TruGreen for care that is specifically meant for lawns in the city of Spotsylvania. TruGreen consists of lawn care experts who are highly qualified to provide the best recommendations for you and your lawn, no matter which part of the metropolitan Spotsylvania area you live in. A TruGreen specialist can take a look at your lawn's grass type and soil condition and come up with the best plan for your lawn and its specific needs.

or call 540-404-2968

Your Spotsylvania home is like a book – it gets judged by its cover.
And a big part of that is the look of your lawn.

Our network of lawn care companies in Spotsylvania, VA will give you a lush green lawn and can improve the overall look of your home, improving curb appeal and even increasing your property value.

To ensure that you have a vibrant and healthy lawn is to maintain and care for it. Everyone is familiar with the act of mowing the lawn, but there is a lot more to lawn care including:

  • Seeding
  • Soiling
  • Aerating
  • Fertilizing
  • Pest Control
  • Watering
  • Landscaping
Spotsylvania lawn care services

The Importance of Lawn Care in Spotsylvania

For anyone who owns a house, lawn care is very crucial. Having a fantastic lawn has many rewards. To start with, it will produce more oxygen and benefit the environment. Second of all, it will give you a fantastic spot outdoors to hang out with your friends and family. It will also enhance the curb appeal and make your residence look more beautiful. If you would like to have a fantastic lawn, though, you will want frequent lawn care. Truegreen is the top rated provider of lawn maintenance in Spotsylvania, Virginia.

Spotsylvania Lawn Care Experts

Homeowners can depend on TruGreen for care that is specifically meant for lawns.
TruGreen is a team of lawn care experts who are highly qualified to provide the best recommendations for you and your lawn, no matter which part of the United States you live in.
TruGreen can take a look at your lawn’s grass type and soil condition and come up with the best plan for your lawn’s specific needs.

In fact, we’ve connected more than 200,000 customers over the last 12 years with TruGreen which has helped them get a lawn they love.

Zip Codes We Service In Spotsylvania, VA

  • 22553
  • 22551
or call 540-404-2968

Spotsylvania, VA is in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 7a

Average extreme minimum temperature is 0° to 5° F.

Best Grass Types

bermuda, zoysia, fescue, kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass

Official State Soil

Official State Soil


Popular Annuals

Popular Annuals for Spotsylvania

Marigolds, Ageratum, Lantana, Impatiens, Gazania, Nasturtium, Sunflower, Zinna, Coleus, Petunia, Bacopa, Sweet Pa, Moss Rose, Heliotrope, Lobelia, Celosia, Geranium, Snapdragon, Calendula, Begonia, Cosmos

Popular Perennials

Popular Perennials for Spotsylvania

Hosa, Salvia, Butterfly Weed, Shasta Daisy, Lavender, Bleeding heart, Hollyhock, Phox, Chrysanthemum, Bee Balm, Aster, Painted Daisy, Clematis, Basket of Gold, Iris, Candytuft, Columbine

Most Common Weed Type

Most Common Weed Type

barnyardgrass, crabgrass, crowfoot grass

Most Common Lawn Pest

Most Common Lawn Pest

japanese beetles, green june beetles, cutworms

Most Common Tree Pest

Most Common Tree Pest

European gypsy moths

Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance in Spotsylvania, VA

There are lots of advantages to having a well taken care of and attractive lawn, which is why it is so essential for house owners.Firstly, it's wonderful for the environment to have a great lawn, and it can increase the oxygen. Subsequently, you'll have a great space outdoors to spend some quality time with your friends and family. In addition, it can increase the curb appeal of your home and make it look more attractive.

How should you go about doing the best for your yard? When it comes to lawn care for Spotsylvania, VA, Trugreen is the best. Having reliable lawn care can help you to avoid any troubles that may come up with your lawn. It might not seem to be that big of a deal to let your yard do its own thing, but it can promptly get out of control. On the subject of lawn care in Spotsylvania, Virginia, Trugreen is the ideal solution. Trugreen is the primary provider of expert services like disease control, lawn maintenance, mosquito control, tree and shrub care, fertilization, and aeration.

If you want to reap the advantages of having an incredible lawn, you will need to be sure that it's correctly maintained. One thing you need to do is make certain that you keep your lawn correctly mowed. To avoid causing the grass plants to go into shock after mowing in the warmest weather, make certain you mow in the evening or morning. It's also a great idea to be sure the grass is dry. This is the finest way to prevent disease from scattering plant to plant. In addition, your mower will run better. Based upon what type of grass you have, you will additionally want to keep your grass at the most suitable height.

It's also vital to regularly have your grass fertilized and aerated. When it comes to lawn maintenance in Spotsylvania, VA and services like fertilization and aeration, Trugreen is the leading provider. Air, water, and nutrients are able to get to the roots of the grass better when the lawn is aerated and fertilized. This is where these things are wanted most. If you are looking for lawn care in Spotsylvania, Virginia, the ideal choice is Trugreen. You can rely on the lawn care specialists at Trugreen to generate the perfect plan for your grass.

or call 540-404-2968
The creator of this review received compensation by RMICPA, LLC on behalf of TruGreen®. This review is the opinion of its creator and its claims are not endorsed or evaluated by RMICPA, LLC.