TruGreen Ossining, NY

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About Your Ossining, New York TruGreen

In Ossining, NY, Trugreen is our featured partner. Ossining homeowners can depend on TruGreen for care that is specifically meant for lawns in the city of Ossining. TruGreen consists of lawn care experts who are highly qualified to provide the best recommendations for you and your lawn, no matter which part of the metropolitan Ossining area you live in. A TruGreen specialist can take a look at your lawn's grass type and soil condition and come up with the best plan for your lawn and its specific needs.

or call 914-344-5896

Your Ossining home is like a book – it gets judged by its cover.
And a big part of that is the look of your lawn.

Our network of lawn care companies in Ossining, NY will give you a lush green lawn and can improve the overall look of your home, improving curb appeal and even increasing your property value.

To ensure that you have a vibrant and healthy lawn is to maintain and care for it. Everyone is familiar with the act of mowing the lawn, but there is a lot more to lawn care including:

  • Seeding
  • Soiling
  • Aerating
  • Fertilizing
  • Pest Control
  • Watering
  • Landscaping
Ossining lawn care services

The Importance of Lawn Care in Ossining

For property owners, lawn care is important. There are many benefits that come with having an awesome lawn. First of all, it makes your home look more beautiful. The value of your residence can even increase. Furthermore, it’s beneficial for the environment, and it helps to generate more oxygen. Moreover, you’ll have a nice outside space to enjoy hanging out with family and friends. You’ll need regular lawn care services if you want an awesome lawn. When you are searching for lawn care services, TruGreen is the leading provider of lawn maintenance in Ossining, New York.

Ossining Lawn Care Experts

Homeowners can depend on TruGreen for care that is specifically meant for lawns.
TruGreen is a team of lawn care experts who are highly qualified to provide the best recommendations for you and your lawn, no matter which part of the United States you live in.
TruGreen can take a look at your lawn’s grass type and soil condition and come up with the best plan for your lawn’s specific needs.

In fact, we’ve connected more than 200,000 customers over the last 12 years with TruGreen which has helped them get a lawn they love.

Zip Codes We Service In Ossining, NY

  • 10562
or call 914-344-5896

Ossining, NY is in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone

Average extreme minimum temperature is -5° to 0° F.

Best Grass Types

fescue, kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass

Official State Soil

Official State Soil


Popular Annuals

Popular Annuals for Ossining

Angelonia, Bacopa, Begonia, Cosmos, Geranium, Lantana, Marigold, Moss Rose, Snapdragons, Sunflower, Verbena

Popular Perennials

Popular Perennials for Ossining

Amsonia, Astilbe, Aster, Balloon Flower, Bee Balm, Black Eyed Susan, Blanket Flower, Bleeding Heart, Candytuft, Coreopsis, Coneflower, Coral Bells, Daisy, Daylily, Hosta, Lavendar, Violet

Most Common Weed Type

Most Common Weed Type

goosegrass, crowfoot grass, cheat grass

Most Common Lawn Pest

Most Common Lawn Pest

bluegrass billbugs, chinchbugs, sod webworms

Most Common Tree Pest

Most Common Tree Pest

emerald ash borers

Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance in Ossining, NY

There are quite a few rewards to having a well preserved and beautiful lawn, which is why it is so essential for home owners.Firstly, it's good for the environment to have a great lawn, and it can improve the oxygen. Second of all, you'll have an excellent space outdoors to spend some quality time with your friends and family. In addition, it can improve the curb appeal of your residence and make it look more beautiful.

Trugreen is the best leader in lawn care in Ossining, NY. Letting your lawn do its own thing is an excellent way to have it speedily get out of control. The ideal idea is to have regular professional services like aeration, fertilization, disease control, lawn maintenance, lime application, mosquito control, and tree and shrub care. You can obtain the best lawn maintenance solutions by searching for "lawn care in Ossining, New York" on your preferred search engine. You can protect against any problems that may arise if you have standard lawn care services.

If you want to reap the gains of having a fantastic lawn, you will need to be certain that it's effectively maintained. You'll first want to make sure that your lawn is effectively mowed. Ensure you mow in the morning or evening to avoid causing the grass plants to go into shock after mowing in the hottest weather. It's also a good idea to be certain the grass is free of moisture. This is the finest way to prevent disease from scattering plant to plant. This will also help your mower to run far better. Based on what sort of grass you have, you will likewise want to keep your grass at the ideal height.

It's crucial to have your lawn fertilized and aerated regularly as well. In regards to services like aeration and fertilization, Trugreen is the top rated provider of lawn maintenance in Ossining, NY. Air, nutrients, and water are able to get to the roots of the grass better when the grass is fertilized and aerated. This is where these things are needed most. Trugreen is the perfect option when you are requiring lawn care in Ossining, New York. You'll be able to rely on the lawn care pros at Trugreen to come up with the ideal plan for your lawn.

or call 914-344-5896
The creator of this review received compensation by RMICPA, LLC on behalf of TruGreen®. This review is the opinion of its creator and its claims are not endorsed or evaluated by RMICPA, LLC.